Handmade Sticker Pack!

Includes 11 waterproof stickers, all handmade and hand-cut!
Includes a mix of glossy, holographic, and glitter stickers featuring art from all 4 of the most recent compilation zines!
-Selfie Fail (Fail Zine)
-"i fucking love being trans" (Gender Zine)
-Spilled Cherry (Love&Sex Zine)
-Recycle My Art Degree (Fail Zine)
-Clown Boobs (Gender Zine)
-Casino (Love&Sex Zine)
-"How Am I Supposed to Know That I'm Growing If It Doesn't Hurt?" (Growing Pains Zine)
-Growing Pains Car (Growing Pains Zine)
-You + Me (Love&Sex Zine)
-"Don't Beat Yourself Up About It" (Fail Zine)
-Autohaus Zines logo